About us

Why Edudata?

While the internet is overfilled with e-learning websites, and every other blog wants to share knowledge on whatever they can, it becomes tedious for students to study by referring to numerable blogs at a time.

Information from one blog, an example from the other… Some blogs take care of theories, some take care of your understanding, and some of their SEO. (no offense!) Moreover, the less popular branches rarely have blogs to study from.

We, at Edudata, have observed that students waste a lot of time in search of the best blogs that would cater to all the 3 needs (theories, understanding, examples), which the students of all departments can study from a single site!

The team of Edudata, has created the best questions to prepare oneself for all types of examinations and interviews. While the focus is on student’s needs, we believe in holistic learning.

Edudata is a free education & learning platform for the global community of students and working professionals where they can practice 10 thousand+ multiple choice questions & answers (MCQs), tutorials, programs & algorithms on engineering, programming, science, and school subjects.

Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are very common in any type of examination. They are simple, yet confusing at the same. They test the understanding of concepts in a student in an interesting way. At the same time, questions requiring long and elaborate answers many-a-times don’t assess a student’s understanding.

And, this is the reason why we have a vast number of MCQs throughout the Edudata website. We believe students can understand the concept more clearly when they are asked tricky and confusing questions. We have attempted to create a vast number of MCQs (1000+ MCQs) that cover all chapters and all sections of a given subject.

We have MCQs for all branches and all topics on our website with the hope of providing every student a quality learning experience.