Advanced Web Programming MCQs - 6 | 200+ MCQ Questions with Answers

126) Validation is done either at the server side or client side _________.

a) automatically
b) manually
c) Only A
d) both

Ans: D

127) These are complex user interface elements.

a) Calender
b) ADRotator
c) Rich Controls
d) Wizards

Ans: C

128) Its separates different tasks into different code files.

a) Multiple View
b) ADRotator
c) Calender
d) Wizards

Ans: A

129) Navigation control is____________.

a) flexible
b) configurable
c) pluggable
d) All of above

Ans: D

130) ASP.NET tags always begin with the prefix________.

a) input type
b) <a>
c) asp:
d) <div>

Ans: asp:

131) __________ property displays a text message when the user hovers the mouse above the control.

a) ToolTip
b) AccessKey
c) Controls
d) Font

Ans: ToolTip

132) _________ are used heavily in the .NET class library to group a set of related constants.

a) Units
b) Enumerations
c) Fonts
d) Colors

Ans: Enumerations

133) ___________ control is a server-side equivalent of the <ul> (unordered list) and <ol> (ordered list) elements.

a) ListBox
b) DropDownList
c) BulletedList
d) CheckBoxList

Ans: BulletedList

134) _____________ property indicates whether a list box allows single selection or multiple selections.

a) SelectedIndex
b) SelectedValue
c) SelectionMode
d) Items

Ans: SelectionMode

135) Which of the following Web control provide CheckedChanged event?

a) Button
b) RadioButton
c) TextBox
d) ListBox

Ans: RadioButton

136) Which of the following is not a property of BulletedList Control?

a) BulletStyle
b) DisplayMode
c) SelectionMode
d) BulletImageUrl

Ans: SelectionMode

137) Which of the following validator control ensures that the value of an input control matches a specified pattern?

a) CompareValidator
b) CustomValidator
c) RangeValidator
d) RegularExpression Validator

Ans: RegularExpression Validator

138) Which of the following is the property of Range Validator control?

a) MaximumValue
b) ValueToCampare
c) ControlToCompare
d) Operator

Ans: MaximumValue

139) Which of the following is the last event of ASP.NET page life cycle

a) Page.Init
b) Page.Unload
c) Page.Load
d) Page.PreRender

Ans: Page.Unload

140) Which of the following Regular Expression Character is used to match any word character?

a) \w
b) \W
c) \d
d) \D

Ans: \w

141) Which of the following is not a member/property for Calendar Style?

a) DayStyle
b) TodayStyle
c) TitleStyle
d) WeekendDayStyle

Ans: TodayStyle

142) Which of the following determines which day is displayed in the first column of the calendar?

a) DayNameFormat
b) SelectedDates
c) FirstDayOfWeek
d) TodaysDate

Ans: FirstDayOfWeek

143) In AdRotator By using which Frame target, the link opens in Current frame?

a) _blank
b) _self
c) _top
d) _parent

Ans: _self

144) Which of the file extension is used by User Control?

a) .aspx
b) ..cs
c) .ascx
d) .asax

Ans: .ascx

145) Which of the following TreeView Property Lets you specify how many levels of nodes will be visible at first.?

a) MaxDataBindDepth
b) ExpandDepth
c) ShowExpandCollapse
d) NodeWrap

Ans: ExpandDepth

146) Which of the following TreeView Style Property applies to any node that contains other nodes, except root nodes?

a) ParentNodeStyle
b) LeafNodeStyle
c) RootNodeStyle
d) HoverNodeStyle

Ans: ParentNodeStyle

147) Which of the following is not a nevigation control ?

a) TreeView
b) Menu
c) DetailsView
d) SiteMapPath

Ans: DetailsView

148) Which of the following Advertisement File Elements is the number that sets how often an advertisement will appear?

a) NavigateUrl
b) Impressions
c) Keyword
d) AlternateText

Ans: Impressions

149) Which of the following control look pretty much the same as ASP.NET web forms.?

a) AdRotator Control
b) MultiView Control
c) Chart Control
d) User Control

Ans: User Control

150) Which of the following is NOT a valid DOT NET Exception class

a) System.Exception
b) System.DivideByZeroException
c) System.OutOfMemoryException
d) System.StackMemoryException

Ans: d

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