Advanced Web Programming MCQs - 5 | 200+ MCQ Questions with Answers

101) ……………………………….are ASP.NET user controls.

a) .aspx
b) .ascx
c) web.config
d) .cs

Ans: .ascx

102) HTML control runs at……………………………..side.

a) client
b) server
c) user
d) browser

Ans: client

103) ASP.Net controls run at ………………………..side.

a) user
b) client
c) web
d) server

Ans: server

104) Every web application starts with a single location, called the……………….

a) root folder
b) main folder
c) header folder
d) middle folder

Ans: root folder

105) ……………………………….. is the process of adding breakpoints to an application

a) Compiling
b) Debugging
c) Designing
d) Coding

Ans: Debugging

106) .................... directoryContains all the compiled .NET components (DLLs) that the ASP.NET web application uses

a) App_Themes
b) App_Browsers
c) Bin
d) App_code

Ans: Bin

107) An error will occur when the code attempts to use the ......................... method.

a) Static.Parse()
b) Decimal.Parse()
c) Double.Parse()
d) Octal.Parse()

Ans: Decimal.Parse()

108) ASP.NET includes a graphical configuration tool called the...............................

a) Website Administration Type
b) Website Configuration Tool
c) Website Administration Tool
d) graphical Administration Type

Ans: Website Administration Tool

109) The<appSettings>element is nested in the root.........................element.

a) <configuration>
b) <contains>
c) <settings>
d) <applications>

Ans: <configuration>

110) Every ASP.NET application is executed inside a separate ................................

a) user domain.
b) application domain.
c) server domain.
d) system domain.

Ans: application domain.

111) A Web application is a _________ pages in different formats.

a) document
b) code
c) only A
d) both

Ans: d

112) A web application can be written in

a) C#
b) Visual Basic.Net
c) Jscript
d) All of above

Ans: d

113) A web form model is an extension of ________model of interaction to the web applications.

a) event-driven
b) browser
d) Server

Ans: a

114) The form is submitted to the server by the ________ which in turn returns a full mark up page or HTML page in response.

a) event-driven
b) browser
d) Server

Ans: b

115) _________ is the client state with the collection of various input fields in the web form.

a) Page state
b) Session state
c) only B
d) both

Ans: a

116) __________is the collection of information obtained from various pages the user visited and worked with.

a) Page state
b) Session state
c) only A
d) both

Ans: b

117) Event handlers takes ________parameters and return void.

a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four

Ans: b

118) Event handlers takes two parameters and return void.

a) Object & event arguments
b) Object & page events
c) function & event arguments
d) method & controls

Ans: a

119) All server controls derive from the basse control class in the______.

a) System.Web.UI namespace
b) System.Web.UI.WebControl
c) System.Web.UI.HtmlControl
d) System.Object

Ans: a

120) This ensures whether the page is executed for the first time.

a) Enable View State
b) Is Post Back
c) Session
d) Request

Ans: b

121) Application events are handled by ___________.

a) HTML file
b) ASP.NET file
c) global.asax file
d) web.config file

Ans: c

122) Visual Studio generates a default __________file for each project

a) .aspx file
b) .ascx file
c) global.asax file
d) web.config file

Ans: d

123) User can store their own settings in the web.config file, in an element called ____________.

a) <appSettings>
b) <configuration>
c) <ConfigSections>
d) <system.web>

Ans: a

124) when the page is rendered in the client browser, the user starts in the ____________.

a) focused control
b) button control
c) List box control
d) Radio button control

Ans: A

125) Items are added in the ______by the Add() method

a) Radio button list
b) List box
c) check box list
d) button

Ans: B

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