Advanced Web Programming MCQs - 3 | 200+ MCQ Questions with Answers

51) The .Net framework provides multiple language support using the feature known as ____________________

a) Common Type System
b) Common Language Runtime
c) Garbage Collector
d) Managed Code

 Ans: a

52) The __________ is the common platform that integrates code and components from multiple .Net programming languages.

a) Common Type System
b) Common Language Runtime
c) Garbage Collector
d) Common Language Specification

Ans: d

53) _________ defines a set of rules that enable interoperability on the dotnet platform.

a) Common Language Specification
b) Garbage Collector
c) Common Language Runtime
d) Common Type System

Ans: a

54) During the runtime the Common Language Runtime uses Just In Time compiler, converts the ___________________ code into native code to the Operating System.

a) Source
b) Microsoft Intermediate Language
c) Program
d) Common code

Ans: b

55) Most of the functionality of the .NET framework classes resides in the namespace called ________.

a) Data
b) Service
c) System
d) Drawing

Ans: c 

56) ______________method is only called under unusual situations as normally garbage collector runs automatically.

a) GC.Collect
b) GC.Collection
c) GC.Auto
d) GC.Garbage

Ans: a

57) ________ is the execution engine for .Net applications and serve as the interface between .Net applications and the operating system.

a) Common Language Specification
b) Garbage Collector
c) Common Language Runtime
d) Common Type System

Ans: c

58) _________provides files that contain pre-written code known as classes that are available to all .NET programming languages.

a) Assembly
b) Common File system
c) .Net Framework Class Library
d) Common Language System

Ans: c

59) __________Manages the execution of .NET programs by coordinating essential functions such as memory management, code execution, security etc.

a) Common Language Specification
b) Common Type System
c) Common File System
d) Common Language Runtime

Ans: d

60) A ____________ is a component of CLR that ensures that all .NET applications use the same basic data types no matter what programming languages are used to develop the applications.

a) Common Type System
b) Common File system
c) Common System Specification
d) Common Langauage Specification

Ans: a

61) What is the full for of IDE?

a) Internet Development Environment
b) Integrated Development Environment
c) Internal Devlopment Environment
d) Integrated Data Environment

Ans: b

62) In Garbage Collection, The objects in ______ are long lived such as static objects as they remain in the heap memory for the whole process duration.

a) Generation -0
b) Generation - 1
c) Generation - 2
d) Generation-3

Ans: c

63) The .NET Framework is divided into two main components: _______________ & __________

a) Framework Class Library & Common Language Runtime
b) Common Type System & Common Language Runtime
c) Common Language Specification & Common Language Runtime
d) Framework Class Library & Garbage Collection

Ans: a

64) .NET Framework Class library Structure's related classes are organised into groups called ______

a) Files
b) Namespaces
c) Structure
d) Sub-Classes

Ans: b

65) In .NET Framework, ___________can contain more than one project.

a) Solution Explorer
b) properties Window
c) File Explorer
d) Form Window

Ans: a

66) Which method of an Array creates a duplicate copy

a) Copy()
b) CopyTo()
c) Clone()
d) Sort()

Ans: c

67) ________________ inserts a string a a specified index position.

a) IndexOf()
b) insert()
c) LastIndexOf()
d) put()

Ans: b

68) _________________ is a static property of DateTime Class

a) AddDays()
b) AddMonths()
c) Now
d) ToString()

Ans: c

69) using or Imports statement

a) allows references to members of a namespace without using the fully qualified name
b) use to reference an external library
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

Ans: b

70) Which of the following does the actual .Net code execute?

a) CLS
c) CTS
d) CLR

Ans: d

71) How do we identify that the page is Postback?

a) IsPostBack property
b) Smart Navigation property
c) AutoPostBack property
d) By using session

Ans: a

72) ______________ is the DataType return in IsPostback property

a) boolean
b) int
c) string
d) float

Ans: a)

73) Which file contains settings for all .NET application types, such as Windows, Console, ClassLibrary, and Web applications?

a) Web.config
b) Machine.config
c) Global.asax
d) All of the above

Ans: b

74) Which of the following is not an ASP.NET page event?

a) Init
b) Load
c) Import
d) None of the above

Ans: c

75) Which of the following converts a type to a signed byte type in C#?

a) ToInt64
b) ToSbyte
c) ToSingle
d) ToInt32

Ans: b

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