Advanced Web Programming MCQs - 11 | 200+ MCQ Questions with Answers

251) Where do we include the user lists for windows authentication?

a) < Credential>
b) < authorization>
c) < identity>
d) < authentiation>

Ans: B

252) If any user has disabled cookies in their browsers, what can you do to enable them to use forms authentication?

a) Set BoweserCookieEnabled=true
b) Set cookieless=true
c) Use the AutoDetect setting of the cookieless attribute
d) Set Authentication=true

Ans: C

253) Which view is provide by LoginView control

a) Anonymous template
b) View template
c) User template
d) Admin template

Ans: A

254) Which of the following is true ?

1. AJAX is a platform-independent technology
2. AJAX can work with web application
3. AJAX can only work with ASP.NET
4. AJAX is a platform-dependent technology

a) 1,2
b) 1,2,3
c) 1,3,4
d) none of the above

Ans: 1,2

255) Which of the following are features of AJAX

a) Live data binding
b) Declarative instantiation of client components
c) Client-side template rendering
d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

256) Which of the following makes AJAX unique

a) It works the same with all Web browsers.
b) It works as a stand-alone Web-development tool.
c) It makes data requests asynchronously.
d) It uses C++ as its programming language.

Ans: It makes data requests asynchronously.

257) ________________ Combination of technologies gives AJAX its names.

a) ASP and XAML
b) Atlas and XML
c) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
d) None of the mentioned

Ans: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

258) what are the thechnologies used by AJAX

a) XMLHttpRequest
b) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
c) Extensible HTML (XHTML)
d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

259) Which control can be used to update only the portion of the page?

a) UpdatePanel
b) ScriptManager
c) AsyncPostBackTrigger
d) None of the above

Ans: UpdatePanel

260) What is the name of the DLL that contains Ajax control tool kit?

a) Ajaxtoolkit.dll
b) Ajaxcontrol.dll
c) Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll
d) control.dll

Ans: Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll

261) Which property is used to control the duration of Ajax request.

a) AsyncPostBackTimeout
b) AsyncTimeout
c) Timeout
d) PostBackTimeout

Ans: AsyncPostBackTimeout

262) What is the name of object used for AJAX request?

a) HttpRequest
b) xmlRequest
c) XMLHTTPRequest
d) Request

Ans: XMLHTTPRequest

263) All of the following are controls of Ajax except

a) ScriptManager
b) ScriptManagerProxy
c) UpdateData
d) UpdatePanel

Ans: UpdateData

264) How many 'ScriptManager' control can be added on a ASP.NET web page?

a) only one
b) only one
c) only two
d) none of the above

Ans: 0nly one

265) What are the disadvantages of AJAX?

a) Dependent on JavaScript
b) Security issues
c) Debugging is difficult
d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

266) What sever support AJAX ?

a) WWW
d) all of the above


267) What does the XMLHttpRequest object accomplish in Ajax?

a) It's the programming language used to develop Ajax applications.
b) It provides a means of exchanging structured data between the Web server and client.
c) It provides the ability to asynchronously exchange data between Web browsers and a Web server.
d) It provides the ability to mark up and style the display of Web-page text.

Ans: It provides a means of exchanging structured data between the Web server and client.

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