Advanced Web Programming MCQs - 10 | 200+ MCQ Questions with Answers

226) Data Access in ADO.Net relies on

a) DataSet,DataProvider
b) DataSource,DataSet
c) DataSource only
d) DataProvider only

Ans: DataSet,DataProvider

227) Eval function is used for?

a) Two way Binding
b) One way binding
c) Both
d) none of these

Ans: One way binding

228) Bind function is used for ?

a) Two way Binding
b) One way binding
c) both
d) none of these

Ans: Two way Binding

229) If you are using DataSet and you have to display the data in soted order then what will you do?

a) Use Sort() method of DataTable
b) Use Sort() method of DataSet
c) Use DataView object with each sort.
d) Use DataPaging and sort data

Ans: Use DataView object with each sort.

230) How do you execute multiple SQL statements using a DataReader?

a) Call the ExecuteReadermethod of two Command objects and assign the results tothe same instance of a DataReader
b) Set the Command.CommandTypeproperty to multiple result sets
c) Call the ExecuteReadermethod of a single Command object twice
d) Set the Command.CommandTextproperty to multiple SQL statements delimited by a semicolon.

Ans: Set the Command.CommandTextproperty to multiple SQL statements delimited by a semicolon.

231) What property contains the actual error message returned by SQL Server?

a) SqlException.Source and SqlError.Message
b) SqlException.Message and SqlError.Class
c) SqlError.Class and SqlException.Source
d) none of these

Ans: SqlException.Source and SqlError.Message

232) Which of the following give data in tabuler formate and allows paging ,sorting,editing and deleting for each record

a) DataList
b) Gridview
c) Repeater
d) FormView

Ans: GridView

233) You can add new row in DataTable by

a) AddRow()
b) NewRow()
c) Both
d) none of these

Ans: NewRow()

234) Which property can be used to configured the numbers and dates using a format string

a) FormatSting
b) DataFormatingString
c) DataFormate
d) DataFormatSring

Ans: DataFormatingString

235) _________________object can hold more than one rowset from the same data source and the relationships between them.

a) DataReader Object
b) DataSet Object
c) OleDB connection object
d) Data Adapter

Ans: DataSet Object

236) Where do we store connection string in ASP.NET?

a) Web.config
b) App.config
c) Global,asax
d) all

Ans: Web.config

237) __________ is the default authentication type provided for Asp.Net.

a) Form Authentication
b) Windows Authentication
c) Passport Authentication
d) Profile Authentication

Ans: B

238) Which event is not there for Login control

a) LoggingIn
b) LoggedIn
c) LoginError
d) LoginStatus

Ans: D

239) Which tool is used to manage all the security settings for application in ASP.Net

a) Website Administration Tool
b) Website User Tool
c) Authentication Tool
d) Page Administration Tool

Ans: A

240) How to implement authentication via web.config?

a) Include the authentication element
b) Include the authorization element.
c) Include the identity element.
d) Include the deny element.

Ans: B

241) Where do you set authentication mode in ASP.Net application

a) Using global.asax file
b) Using cookies
c) Using webconfig file
d) Using web services

Ans: C

242) Which of the following is TRUE about Windows Authentication in ASP.NET?

a) Automatically determines role membership
b) Role membership determined only by user programming
c) ASP.NET does not support Windows Authentication
d) ASP.Net does not support Authorization

Ans: A

243) ______________ element in the web.config file to run code using the permissions of a specific user

a) < credential> element
b) < authentication> element
c) < authorization> element
d) < identity> element

Ans: D

244) Which of the following is the default authentication mode for IIS?

a) Windows
b) Anonymous
c) Basic Authentication
d) Profile

Ans: B

245) Where do we include the user lists for Form authentication?

a) < Identity>
b) < authentication>
c) < credential>
d) < authorization>

Ans: C

246) In ASP.NET the < authorization > section contain which of the following elements?

a) < deny >
b) < allow >
c) Both A. and B
d) < Identity>

Ans: C

247) Which of the following authentication is best suited for a corporate network?

a) Form
b) User
c) Profile
d) Windows

Ans: D

248) Which security control is used to check the status of login

a) Login
b) LoginName
c) LoginView
d) LoginStatus

Ans: D

249) Which Namespace Allows Us To Formauthentication ?

a) System.Web.Ui.Forms.Security
b) System.Web.Security
c) System.Web.Configuration
d) System.Web.Authentication

Ans: B

250) What are the types of cookies?

a) Session cookies
b) Persistent cookies
c) Dummy cookies
d) Both A and B

Ans: D

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