Discrete Mathematics MCQs - 1 | 200+ MCQ Questions with Answers

Discrete Mathematics Solved MCQs - 1

Counting and Probability

Q 1. If A and A ̅ are complementary events, then P(A ̅ ) = ……….
    1. 1+P(A)
    2. 1-P(A)
    3. P(A)
    4. – P(A)
    Ans: 1-P(A)

    Q 2. If A and B are independent events then, conditional probability P(A/B) = ……….
    1. P(A)-P(B)
    2. P(A)
    3. P(B)
    4. P(A)+P(B)
    Ans: P(A)

    Q 3. If A and B are independent events then, P(A∩B) = ……….
    1. P(A)
    2. P(B)
    3. P(A) + P(B)
    4. P(A) × P(B)
    Ans: P(A) × P(B)

    Q 4. Probability can be ……….
    1. Greater than or equal to 10
    2. Greater than 1
    3. Less than 0
    4. Between 0 and 1
    Ans: Between 0 and 1

    Q 5. When two dice are tossed, probability of getting six as uppermost face on both the dice is
    1. ½
    2. 1/6
    3. 1/36
    4. 1/3
    Ans: 1/36

    Q 6. Which one of the following can be probability ratio ?
    1. 3/2
    2. 17/11
    3. 2/3
    4. -1/2
    Ans: 2/3

    Q 7. If from a pack of 52 well shuffled cards a card is drawn, the chances of getting a queen is ……….
    1. ¼
    2. 1/52
    3. 1/3
    4. 1/13
    Ans: 1/13

    Q 8. A box contains 2 red marble balls, 3 white marble balls, 5 green marble balls. If 2 balls are drawn at random, the chances of getting both white is ……….
    1. 2/3
    2. 3/10
    3. 2/10
    4. 3/45
    Ans: 3/45

    Q 9. All possible outcomes of a statistical experiments are called ……….
    1. Cyber space
    2. Sample space
    3. Space
    4. Experiment
    Ans: Sample space

    Q 10. An occurrence of an outcome to any statistical experiment is called ……….
    1. Sample space
    2. Experiment
    3. Event
    4. Probability
    Ans: Event

    Q 11. A statistical experiment means ……….
    1. Action which has reaction
    2. Action which has a certain outcome
    3. Action which has no outcome
    4. Action which has uncertain outcome
    Ans: Action which has a certain outcome

    Q 12. Two events are said to be mutually exclusive when ……….
    1. Both of them occur together
    2. None of them occur
    3. Occurrence is uncertain
    4. Only one them occurs
    Ans: Only one them occurs

    Q 13. For a statistical experiment every possible outcome is called ……….
    1. Sample
    2. Sample point
    3. Space
    4. Population
    Ans: Sample point

    Q 14. Two events are said to be exhaustive when ……….
    1. Both of them occur together
    2. Occurrence of one avoids occurrence of other
    3. Occurrence or non-occurrence of one affect occurrence of other event
    4. Taken together constitute sample space
    Ans: Taken together constitute sample space

    Q 15. Two events are said to be independent if ……….
    1. Occurrence of one prevents occurrence of other
    2. Occurrence or non-occurrence of one does not affect occurrence of other
    3. Both of them always occurs together
    4. Only one of them can occur at a time
    Ans: Occurrence or non-occurrence of one does not affect occurrence of other

    Q 16. Complementary events are ……….
    1. Not mutually exclusive
    2. Independent
    3. Exhaustive
    4. Impossible event
    Ans: Exhaustive

    Q 17. Complementary events are ……….
    1. Mutually exclusive
    2. Independent
    3. Exhaustive
    4. Impossible event
    Ans: Mutually exclusive

    Q 18. If P(A) denotes probability of event A then ……….
    1. 0 ≥ P(A) ≥ 1  is true
    2. 1 ≤ P(A) ≤ 0 is true
    3. -1 ≤ P(A) ≤ 0 is true
    4. 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1 is true
    Ans: 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1 is true

    Q 19. An unbiased coin is tossed twice, if A denotes the event all tails then P(A) ……….
    1. ¼
    2. ½
    3. ¾
    4. 1
    Ans: ¼

    Q 20. If A and B are any two events associated with an experiment, then probability of occurrence of events A or B or both A and B is given by ……….
    1. Complementary probability theorem
    2. Multiplication theorem of probability
    3. Addition theorem of probability
    4. Joint probability theorem
    Ans: Addition theorem of probability

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