Green Computing MCQs - 7 | 100+ MCQ Questions with Answers

Green Computing MCQs - 7

Q 121. ________conducts research on the entire life cycle of electronic and electrical equipment and their corresponding global supply, process, and material flows.
  1. StEP
  2. RoHS
  3. WEEE
  4. IDE
Ans: StEP

Q 122. EEE stands for____
  1. electrical and electronic equipment
  2. end-of-end
  3. Extending energy
  4. economical, environmental,energy
Ans: electrical and electronic equipment

Q 123. A program that ensures hazardous materials have been removed from U.S. government ships prior to export.
  1. E-Waste Stewardship Project
  2. Green Shipbreaking
  3. Zero Mercury Campaign
  4. Basel Ban Ratification
Ans: Green Shipbreaking

Q 124. SAN means
  1. Storage Area Network
  2. Serial Area Network
  3. Storage Accessing Netwok
  4. None of the above
Ans: Storage Area Network

Q 125. Once you go paperless, you’ll realize the following benefits:
  1. Less time looking for lost paperwork
  2. The ability does not to access most documents in seconds
  3. Not  to access all your documents from home or satellite offices
  4. None of the Above
Ans: Less time looking for lost paperwork

Q 126. The following is not in  Systems Development Life Cycle
  1. Feasibility study
  2. Analysis
  3. System specification
  4. Recycle
Ans: Recycle

Q 127. Which operating system is the most green?
  1. Windows Vista
  2. Windows XP
  3. Linux
  4. Apple's OS X
Ans: Linux

Q 128. The EPA estimated that datacenters consume ____________ percent of the nation’s electrical power, as shown next—US EPA, 2007.
  1. 16
  2. 15
  3. 12
  4. 13
Ans: 15

Q 129. how many task forces are used in StEP
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 8
Ans: 5

Q 130. The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) was adopted in February ___________ by the European Union.
  1. 2001
  2. 2002
  3. 2003
  4. 2004
Ans: 2003

Q 131. The directive restricts the use of  hazardous materials 
  1. carbon monoxide
  2. sulpherdioxide
  3. Cadmium
  4. carbondioxide
Ans: Cadmium

Q 132. Which power state is also known as hibernate mode?
  1. S1
  2. S2
  3. S3
  4. S4
Ans: S4

Q 133. To properly control screen brightness levels, IT administrators should:
  1. Change settings using the monitor's control buttons
  2. Change settings using the Windows control panel
  3. Change settings within the BIOS
  4. Change settings using keyboard controls
Ans: Change settings within the BIOS

Q 134. Which organization oversees EPEAT certification for green electronics?
  1. The Green Grid
  2. Green Computing Impact Organization
  3. Climate Savers Computing Initiative
  4. Green Electronics Council
Ans: Green Electronics Council

Q 135. The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development produced which document?
  1. Millennium Development Goals
  2. ISO 21931
  3. The Brahimi Report
  4. Agenda 21
Ans: Agenda 21

Q 136. A ___________ utilizes evaporative cooling  to indirectly produce chilled water to cool a datacenter when outdoor conditions are cool.
  1. water-side economizer
  2. Air-side economizers
  3. Hot Aisle
  4. Cold Aisle
Ans: water-side economizer

Q 137. Complete the given levels of decision-making pyramid: Individual, Building, City , National, _____
  1. Local
  2. Global
  3. CO2
  4. carbon emmision
Ans: Global

Q 138. VOCs stands for
  1. volatile orange  compounds
  2. volatile organic compounds
  3. valid oraganization coorporation
  4. valid organic compound
Ans: volatile organic compounds

Q 139. Printing ink can not contain such heavy metals as the following:
  1. Barium
  2. Cadmium
  3. Chromium
  4. carbonic monoxide
Ans: carbonic monoxide

Q 140. To reduce paper usage, duplex printing can be set as the default printing preference. HP predicts this reduces paper costs by at least:
  1. 5%
  2. 30%
  3. 45%
  4. 32%
Ans: 30%

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