Green Computing MCQs - 3 | 100+ MCQ Questions with Answers

Green Computing MCQs - 3

Q 41. ______________ evaluates electronic products according to three tires of environmental performance : bronze , silver, and gold.
  1. WEEE
  2. WEE
  3. EEAT
  4. EPEAT

Q 42. This program or an operating system feature allows user to connect to a computer in another loction
  1. Remote Desktop 
  2. Intranet 
  3. EDI
  4. E-Commerece 
Ans: Remote Desktop

Q 43.  ____________ is a measure of amount of energy consumed per square  feet of floor space. 
  1. storage utilization
  2. storage density 
  3. SWaP
  4. Data Center Density
Ans: Data Center Density

Q 44. ___________ is a philosophy of managing interaction of company with its current and potential future customers.
  1. Relational Marketing 
  2. Customer Relationship Management
  3. Customer care 
  4. Supply chain Management 
Ans: Customer Relationship Management

Q 45. ____________ is a software distribution model where a third party vendor offer its software to customer for use over internet. 
  1. Google Assistant 
  2. VAN 
  3. SaaS
  4. SAAS
Ans: SaaS

Q 46. A system that employs hundreds or thousands of hard drives for near line data storage are called 
  1. RAID 
  2. StEP
  3. EPEAT
  4. MAID 
Ans: MAID 

Q 47. MAID stands for  
  1. Massive Action Idle Disks
  2. Mass Array of Idle Disks
  3. Massive Active Indian Disks 
  4. Massive Array of Idle Disks 
Ans: Massive Array of Idle Disks 

Q 48. In an organization where the media is played from a CD,DV or hard drive ,the application buffers are set large enough to store as much of the media in memory as possible 
  1. Doing this increases power 
  2. Doing this reduces power
  3. Doing this crashes the computers
  4. Doing this crashes the server
Ans: Doing this reduces power 

Q 49. Creating more logical IT resources, within one physical system is called ________. 
  1. Load balancing
  2. Hypervisor
  3. Virtualization
  4. None of these
Ans: Virtualization

Q 50. Which is not a benefit of virtualization? 
  1. Flexible and efficient allocation of resources
  2. Lowers the cost of IT infrastructure
  3. Remote access and rapid scalability 
  4. Run on single operating system 
Ans: Run on single operating system 

Q 51. The technology used to distribute service requests to resources is referred to as _____________ 
  1. load performing
  2. load scheduling 
  3. load balancing 
  4. all of the mentioned 
Ans: load balancing 

Q 52. Data duplication reduces power use 
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Maybe 
  4. May not be
Ans: No 

Q 53. Data de- duplication is the tool for reducing storage and bandwidth consumed from disk based backup 
  1. Yes
  2. No 
  3. Maybe
  4. May not be 
Ans: Yes

Q 54. Cooling needs are calculate using 
  1. Room size
  2. Window 
  3. People in the room
  4. All of these 
Ans: All of these 

Q 55. How many types of economizers are there
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
Ans: 2

Q 56. To regulate the use of outside air for cooling a room or a building a ___ economizer is used
  1. Water side
  2. Wall side
  3. Air side
  4. None of these
Ans: Air side

Q 57. To maintain the datacenter at the right level 
  1. Lockout Economizer whenever necessary
  2. Establish a humidity sensor calibration schedule
  3. None of these
  4. Both of these
Ans: Both of these

Q 58. Benefit of custom centralized air handling system is
  1. Less maintenance is required 
  2. Uses fluid cooled chiller plants, which are much more efficient than water- and air-cooled datacenters
  3. None of these
  4. Both of these
Ans: Both of these

Q 59. What is most commonly used for managing the resources for every virtual system?
  1. Load balancer
  2. Cloud
  3. Router
  4. Hypervisor
Ans: Hypervisor

Q 60. VAN stands for
  1. Value Added Network
  2. Van Area Network
  3. Various Area Network
  4. Voluntary Area Network
Ans: Value Added Network

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