Digital Electronics MCQs - 1 | 100+ MCQ Questions with Answers

Digital Electronics Solved MCQs - 1

Q 1. Microprocessor was introduced in the year_____________ 

  1. 1945 
  2. 1971 
  3. 1974 
  4. 1980 

Ans: 1971

Q 2.  The first microprocessor was ____________ 

  1. 4001 
  2. 8085 
  3. 4003 
  4. 4004 

Ans: 4004

Q 3. Which of the following microprocessor has an 8 bit data bus____________ 

  1. 4004 
  2. 80186 
  3. 8085 
  4. 8086 

Ans: 8085

Q 4.  A microprocessor is ____________ 

  1. an analog device 
  2. a digital device 
  3. an analog and digital device 
  4. none of these 

Ans: a digital device

Q 5. The data bus of microprocessor is _____________ 

  1. unidirectional 
  2. bi –directional 
  3. unidirectional as well as bi directional 
  4. none of these 

Ans: bi –directional

Q 6.  The 16 bit processor is ___________ 

  1. 8085 
  2. 8086 
  3. 80486 
  4. pentium 

Ans: 8086

Q 7. The number of flags in 8085 are __________ 

Ans: 5 

Q 8. Flip – flops are used in a microprocessor to indicate_________ 

  1. Shift register 
  2. latches 
  3. counters  
  4. flags 

Ans: Shift register

Q 9. The number of address lines required to access 64  Kbyte of memory of the microprocessor is  ______________ 

  1. 16 
  2. 32 
  3. 20 

Ans: 16

Q 10. Flip –flops are used in a microprocessor to indicate ____________ 

  1. shift register 
  2. latch 
  3. counters 
  4. flag 

Ans: flag

Q 11. Boolean algebra can be used _________
  1. For designing of the digital computers
  2. In building logic symbols
  3. Circuit theory
  4. Building algebraic functions
Ans: For designing of the digital computers

Q 12. The logic gate that provides high output for same inputs ___________
  1. AND
  2. ExNOR
  3. NOT
  4. ExOR
Ans: ExNOR

Q 13. According to boolean law: A + 1 = ?
  1. 0
  2. A
  3. 1
  4. A'
Ans: 1

Q 14. DeMorgan’s theorem states that _________
  1. (AB)’ = A’ + B’
  2. (A + B)’ = A’ * B
  3. A’ + B’ = A’B’
  4. (AB)’ = A’ + B
Ans: (AB)’ = A’ + B’

Q 15. A+A'B = ?
  1. A
  2. A.B
  3. 1
  4. A+B
Ans: A+B

Q 16. Complement of NOR and OR gate is __and __ respectively.
  1. AND, NAND
  2. NAND, AND
  3. OR,NOR
  4. NOT,ExOR

Q 17. Decimal 59  =  (?) in Ex 3
  1. 10001100
  2. 1011001
  3. 10001001
  4. 10100011
Ans: 10001100

Q 18. ASCII code is ----bit code
  1. 9bit
  2. 10bit
  3. 4bit
  4. 7bit
Ans: 7bit

Q 19. Gray equivalent of binary no 10111 is      
  1. 10100
  2. 11000
  3. 11100
  4. 11000
Ans: 11100

Q 20. Gray equivalent of binary no 10010 is      
  1. 11000
  2. 11100
  3. 10111
  4. 10011
Ans: 11100

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